Case Study
Place D’Alleray
Visiting one of London's most iconic buildings, also known as "The Walkie-Talkie," on its Green Team Meeting day was a truly insightful experience. It was exciting to see property managers, tenants, and businesses all in one place, sharing their energy-saving wins through the Go Dark Project and other green efforts.
January 2017 - December 2017
Location: Paris, France
1 year achievements
1st Place
Energy savings
2,563,863 kWh
total savings
Building characteristics
17,744 m2
total area
construction completed
Electric heating and domestic hot water, air conditioning
Building system
No environmental in use, No energy manager
Car park spaces - 300
Restaurants - 1,845 m2
Top actions
Management and behaviour
Held 3 informational “energy breakfasts” to talk about the competition, raise awareness among occupants and explain why it was taking place
Displayed information monthly about air conditioning use, lift use, and mid-season behaviour (e.g. wear jumpers if it is cold)
Put up behavioural nudge posters (e.g. why lower the temperature?)
Promoted talking to occupants before changing any of the settings, getting them to change behaviour before settings
Minor technical and re-programming
Knowledge transfer of settings that worked well for one of Orange’s sites and were then adopted by remaining sites
Switched off the heaters in unoccupied rooms (this was done manually)
Optimised building program timers by narrowing on/off time frames based on occupation, reducing district heating consumption.
Revised thermal insulation of equipment
Optimised cold air inflow and adjusted it for forecasted weather (e.g. temperature increased during heatwave)
Installed timers on extractors fans in sanitary facilities
Readjusted BMS set points to lower the 21° threshold by 2°C
Reprogrammed the BMS lighting using hourly settings.
Lighting: installed brightness sensors, adjusting according to the brightness
Don't just take it from us
What RO say
"CUBE provides a unique opportunity for us to collaborate with our tenants as we continue our journey to a more sustainable future. As a landlord, engagement with our tenants is paramount, and improving energy efficiency across our buildings is a key priority for us. CUBE is a first for the real estate sector and the competition comes at an important time"
- Edward Rowlandson, Group Managing Director, the RO